
Introduction to the Back and Forth School Booklet

A young child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis can experience problems at school with tasks like writing or activities like playing outside with their peers or physical education lessons. Being fatigued can interfere with the continuation of the school day. People usually don’t see on the outside that a child has juvenile arthritis. Young children therefor need support from their parents and teachers to address these problems especially in the school situation. Communication about the juvenile arthritis is important in jointly managing this disease. The Back and Forth School Booklet promotes communication and cooperation on managing symptoms at school.

What is the Back and Forth School Booklet?

The Back and Forth School Booklet is a tool for children aged 4 to 8 with juvenile arthritis, their parents and teachers. The School Booklet goes with the child from home to school and back again. Parents, child and teacher write in the booklet how it goes, the child can colour in how they are doing that day and adjustments are noted on what is possible and what works. The teacher can provide support for the personal management plan of the child during school in a way the child feels comfortable with.

How does it work? Read more…

Juvenile arthritis self management tool

How does the Back and Forth School Booklet work?

In the Back and Forth School Booklet child friendly language about the symptoms and how to manage these symptoms is introduced using metaphors: traffic light colours for the amount of pain and Glasses full/half full/empty for their level of energy. With a physiotherapist and/or occupational therapist a personal plan is made on how to deal with painful joints, fatigue and limitations communicate in the school situation. The child is asked about his or her opinions on solutions as well as the teacher and parents. Alternatives for limited activities is written in the booklet on the page with GOOD SOLUTIONS. With the support of parents and teachers, the child develops skills such as dosing, asking for help and pausing.

When can the Back and Forth Booklet be used?

When a young child with juvenile arthritis experience limitations at school and does not show or tell the teachers about it. Also when teachers don’t know well how the help the child managing their symptoms in the school situation. The purpose of the Back and Forth School Booklet is that teachers can take into account the juvenile arthritis and the child can follow the school program as optimally as possible.

Juvenile arthritis self management tool

Browse through the Back and Forth Booklet

Here’s a sample of one week of the Back and Forth School Booklet. This will give an impression of the method. A full booklet has pages for 3 weeks.