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For more information about the Back and Forth Booklet, contact us at:



The Back and Forth School Booklet is a part of the Reade rehabilitation treatment for children with juvenile arthritis. It was developed in collaboration with patients and their parents during a project for Selfmanagement in juvenile arthritis in September 2015. 2nd edition was published in 2017 after client and therapist evaluation. In July 2018 an English prototype was produced with help of Sophie Ainsworth of Raiise Foundation. In 2019 the applicability and effectiveness was studied in a pilot feasibility study. The Back and Forth School Booklet is an applicable instrument to support a personal shared management plan of child with JIA with their parents/caregivers and the teacher.
For future editions funding will be raised. It is not meant as a commercial product.

Concept and text: Jeannette Cappon Msc, Paediatric Physical Therapist, Reade Center for rehabilitation and rheumatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Illustrations: Juliette de Wit, Amsterdam.
Graphic design: Koen Verbeek Design&Media, Amsterdam.